Welcome to our online booking site
Dear valued clients,
Please consider all locations to maximize your appointment options for Stuart Anderson @Granville Island MWF, @Yaletown T/TH. Online sessions are also available for most practitioners.
Alex Litvinoff (R.Acu.) and Jack Miller (RCC) are available for bookings on weekends.
Here is a list of some of our offerings:
PHYSICAL HEALTH – Physiotherapy & Dry Needling - Jonathan (DPT) or Stuart (RPT), Concussion Management & Recovery : Stuart (Reg. Physio, MSc. Performance Psych.), Kinesiology, Pilates, Rehab & Training : Lindsay (Kinesiologist), Acupuncture / Massage : Alex (R.Acu TCM)
PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH (services @ Yaletown Only) – Clinical Counselling - Maryam (RCC), Chelsea (RCC) or Jack (RCC). EMDR : Maryam (RCC), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) : Egbert (MPsych) or Maryam (RCC), Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) : Chelsea (RCC), Sleep Issues : Jack (RCC/CCC)
PERFORMANCE & WELLNESS COACHING – Stuart (MSc. Performance Psych. RPT), Jack (MClinicalPsych. RCC) or Sylvia (RCH)
Thank you so much for choosing Performance Clinic – we greatly value our clients and patients.
Please direct any questions to: info@performanceclinic.ca